Many people are coming to Christ through our “Free Movie Night” showings of the Jesus Film in various African villages and cities. As many as 300 people gather to hear the story of Jesus, many for the first time, and get the opportunity to have a new “born-again” life as our Igniter Evangelists invites them to receive the free gift of salvation. You should see the people weeping at the crucifixion scene and then later have tears of joy and wonderment at the resurrection! The Holy Spirit moves and touches their hearts throughout the movie-no one leaves their seats. It is a powerful move of God – going right to the hearts of the people!

In African villages and towns, people are curious to learn more about Jesus. They know little about Him. Through the film and the explanation of the evangelist, they come to understand that Jesus can forgive their sins, give them a joyful life, and become their Lord and Savior. After the movie night, many want to gather to hear more about Jesus, thusly grow in their love and knowledge of Him as they hear the scriptures about Jesus through newly formed house churches. Through these Bible teachings of Jesus, they come to truly know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God!

ITWM wants to thank so many Ministry Partners for donating these wonderful video projection backpacks to our Igniters. It has become an amazing partnership as they provide the equipment and we provide the Igniter Evangelists to go to some of the most unreached regions of Africa to give new hope, peace, and eternal life. This is part of ITWM’s Great Commission + End-Time Harvest Strategy to reach the 3 billion people on planet earth who have not adequately heard the Gospel. We appreciate so much to the Ministry Partners for helping us expand our vision to “Ignite the World”!